When Analog Tools are OK
Just because you are into technology and want to be as efficient as possible, that doesn’t mean that you can’t use “Luddite” tools to get some stuff done. I am in front of a computer all day and have...
View ArticleHow This Technologist Complicates GTD
I’m a GTD kind of guy. But, I got “into” GTD for the complete wrong reasons. I like pens and paper, paperclips, new notebooks, bags, toys, and shit. I like processes and systems and the idea of...
View ArticleBaBSE 6: Knowing When to Say No
Solving problems with systems and software is a tough job. And it gets tougher when you have users dipping their phalanges in the system that you need and want to create for them. Common things you...
View ArticleSimplify. Then Simplify Some More.
Stuff is complicated. The more and more technology that we use in our lives that is supposed to “simplify” things, the more and more things end up complicated. That’s why, rather than using tools that...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Buffer Lover
I’m not much of a “service” user when the service is built on top of another service. I tend to find something like that useful for a little while, but then quickly go back to my old ways of using...
View ArticleBaBSE 7: Perfect Planning Doesn’t Exist
I’ve been “working” on a web app for sometime now and will use it as my “calling card” moving forward. It’s just something small and effective that I need to create to ship something into the world, to...
View ArticleOn Writing Today
I almost didn’t post today, but instead of that, I thought I’d redirect you to something I wrote that is near and dear to my heart (and that I spent a decent amount of time on) over at Lifehack....
View ArticleBaBSE 9: Know Your Tools
Being a good software developer means that you can create software solutions that help solve problems quickly. Being a software developer doesn’t mean that you know every little nook a cranny of a...
View ArticleMaking Time to Explore
It’s easy getting stuck in the rat-race of getting things done every day. We have an agenda set for ourselves, have our to-do lists guide us, or have to answer to someone or some entity that demands we...
View ArticleIntegrating Netbot with Launch Center Pro
When App.net was announced and Alpha was released, I was a tad apprehensive of getting involved. After Mr. Vardy talked me into it, I chocked up the $100, bought a developer account, and began to use...
View Article2013: A New Year
I, like a lot of people I read and respect, don’t necessarily like the idea of a New Year’s Resolution. Mostly because they are broken and forgotten before the end of January. And when that happens, we...
View ArticleA Toolset for a Productive New Year (2013 Edition)
Another year is here and it’s time to get serious about the tools I use to get my job and life done. I try every few months to “downsize” what I use; but I am coming closer to the realization that I...
View ArticleGet Your Subtle Patterns at subtlepatterns.com
If you are looking for some amazing subtle backgrounds for your sites, apps, documents, even desktops, then I have to highly recommend checking out subtlepatterns.com. I’m thinking about applying some...
View ArticleAnonymous MSFT developer admits Linux is faster than Windows
Well, if you’ve used Linux for any length of time and compared its speed to that of Windows, this was a no brainer. What’s damaging is that this Microsoft OS developer brings to light just why Linux is...
View Article★ Link HOWTO: The quick way to use Twitter Bootstrap with Genesis
I love the Genesis Framework by Studiopress. And I love the Twitter Bootstrap Framework for creating “standard” web interfaces. There is so much that both the Genesis and Bootstrap frameworks get right...
View Article✔ How to start and keep a digital journal this year
If you are like most humans then you yearn to figure out what this world means and what it is made of. Call it the meaning of life, God, or whatever you like. But, there is some urge for us to figure...
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